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Developer Guide


The format of our developer guide is adapted from SE-EDU AddressBook Level 3. Code used in this project is reused and adapted from our team’s individual project during this module.


All .puml files used to create the UML diagrams can be found in our diagrams folder.


Architecture Diagram
Figure 1: Architecture Diagram for Pet Tracker

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

Main components of the architecture

Main is responsible for,

The rest of the App consists of four components.


Ui Class

The Ui class is represented by the image below. The Ui class handles user input and displaying of the relevant information including error messages for the program. In the diagram below, VariousCommands represents different commands that may call the Ui Class.

The Main class will call getUserInput() to read in user input. Commands may then call the methods to print relevant outputs.

Architecture Diagram
Figure 2: Class Diagram for Ui

Exit Command

The ExitCommand inherits its properties from the abstract Command class.

The command to exit the program is exit. If ‘exit’ is called, the program prints the exit message and terminates the program.

This is how the ExitCommand works:

  1. The main() method in Main calls run() in Main.

  2. run() will call runCommandTillExit().

  3. The ui reads the user’s input to retrieve the command via ui.getUserInput() and parses it through commandParser.parseCommand().

  4. Within the commandParser.parseCommand(), some functions are also internally called.
    1. newCommand() is called to identify the String received
    2. parseKeyword() is called to split the command from the parameters.
  5. A new ExitCommand() is called.

  6. ExitCommand is returned to parseCommand().

  7. ExitCommand is returned to main().

  8. The Exit Command is now executed via command.execute().

  9. runCommandTillExit() will now call command.isExit() which returns true.

  10. The loop is now broken and ui will call ui.showEndingMessage().

  11. The program will now exit.

Sequence Diagram
Figure 3: Sequence Diagram for Bye Command

List Pet Command

The ListPetCommand inherits its properties from the abstract Command class.

The command to list all pets currently available is list. When called, the program prints all the names and statistics of the existing pets (if any), followed by the number of pets currently in the list.

This is how the ListPetCommand works:

  1. The main() method calls ui.getUserInput() from ui. The user’s command is parsed through commandParser.parseCommand().

  2. Within commandParser.parseCommand(), newCommand() will identify the command received (list).

  3. ListPetCommand() calls the list() method from the PetList class.

  4. PetList.list() then iterates through all pets in petList, calling pet.getPetName(), pet.getPetType(), pet.getAge() and pet.getWeight() each iteration, then prints the number of pets.

  5. The loop is now broken to return ListPetCommand to parseCommand().

  6. ListPetCommand is returned to main().

  7. The program is now ready to receive another command.

Sequence Diagram
Figure 4: Sequence Diagram for List Pet Command

Add Pet Stat Feature

The add pet stat mechanism is facilitated by the Pet class. It is stored internally as a petList created under the PetList class. Additionally, it implements the following operations:

These operations are exposed in the PetList class as PetList#addStat() and AddStatCommand class as AddStatCommand#execute().

Class Diagram
Figure 5: Class Diagram for Add Pet Stat Feature

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the add pet stat mechanism behaves.

Step 1. After the user launches the application and added a pet named “Bob”, a Pet object will be initialised and saved in the petList.

Object Diagram
Figure 6: Object Diagram for Add Pet Stat Feature After Step 1

Step 2. The user executes add-stat Bob weight 5 command to add a weight stat of 5kg in the Pet object. After parsing, the add-stat command calls AddStatCommand#execute() then PetList#addStat(), causing the Pet object’s weight variable to be modified and saved.

Object Diagram
Figure 7: Object Diagram for Add Pet Stat Feature After Step 2

Remove Pet Stat Command

The RemoveStatCommand class inherits its properties from the abstract Command class.

This class is executed whenever the remove-stat <pet name> <stat name> command is called by the user. The intended functionality of this command is to remove the <stat name> from the pet with name <pet name>.

It works like this:

  1. The main() method calls ui.getUserInput() from ui. The user’s command is parsed through commandParser.parseCommand().

  2. Within commandParser.parseCommand(), newCommand() will identify the command received (remove-stat).

  3. RemoveStatCommand.parseArgs() separates the arguments into the pet name and stat name.

  4. RemoveStatCommand.execute() calls PetList.removeStat() with the pet name and stat name, and calls ui.removeStatCommandMessage() to send output to the user.

  5. PetList.removeStat() uses its internal find() method to find the corresponding Pet object, and calls Pet.removeStat() on that object.

  6. Pet.removeStat() uses a switch statement on the stat name to identify the proper method to call: either setPetType(""), setAge(""), or setWeight(""). If the stat name does not match any of those, it prints out an error message.

  7. Pet.removeStat(), PetList.removeStat(), and RemoveStatCommand all return, allowing the program to receive another command.

This feature was implemented like this in order to maximize use of the OOP paradigm.

Sequence Diagram
Figure 8: Sequence Diagram for Remove Pet Stat Command

Command Parser

The CommandParser class is responsible for parsing the user’s input into a Command object. It does this by splitting the input into its keyword and arguments using Java’s Regex Matcher, and then using a switch statement to identify the keyword and invoke the respective argument parser.

How the Command Parser works:

  1. The user’s input is passed into the parseCommand() method.
  2. The input is split into its keyword and arguments using Java’s Regex Matcher.
  3. The keyword is used to identify the command, and the arguments are passed into the respective argument parser.
  4. The argument parser checks the validity of the arguments, and returns a Command object if the arguments are valid.

Sequence Diagram
Figure 9: Sequence Diagram for Add-Stat Command

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile

Pet Tracker is developed for people who take care of multiple pets (Pet Hotels/Pet Sitters) who prefer to use CLI applications to quickly track and update details relating to their pet.

Value proposition

Pet Tracker will allow for fast-typing users to save more time when keeping track of pets. Users will be able to quickly update any of their existing pet details or add in new ones, while being able to review all current information of all the pets they have at a glance. In addition, Pet Tracker allows users to add tasks for errands that even has a reminder feature so that users will be reminded to do the tasks that are due on the day itself.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 basic user add new pets track more pets
v1.0 basic user record my pet’s weight track if the weight is healthy
v1.0 basic user record my pet’s age track how old my pet is
v1.0 basic user remove a pet from my list de-clutter the pet-list from pets I no longer take care of
v1.0 large-scale user see basic info on all my pets in one place get an overview of all my pets
v2.0 basic user save my pet list save my pet list data when i close the program
v2.0 basic user load my saved pet list resume where i left off previously
v2.0 basic user add task remind myself to carry out a task
v2.0 basic user mark uncompleted tasks as done check off tasks that i complete
v2.0 basic user unmark completed tasks uncheck off tasks that i did not complete
v2.0 basic user see all my tasks in one place get an overview of all my tasks
v2.0 basic user edit my pet information modify my pet information when i need to update it
v2.0 basic user edit my task information modify my task information when i need to update it
v2.0 basic user get a schedule of what time tasks must be done better meet my pets need by carrying out the task
v2.0 forgetful user receive reminders about what task is due today complete tasks that are due today

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Pet Tracker should work on mainstream OS as long as Java 11 is installed.
  2. User with higher typing speed compared to an average person should be able to accomplish most tasks faster than using the mouse.
  3. Does not require internet to run
  4. Should be able to hold up to 1000 pets/tasks without any noticeable sluggishness in performance


Instructions for manual testing

Launch and Shutdown

Expected Outcome: The program should run in the terminal.

Expected Outcome: Pet Tracker will terminate and display Goodbye! See you soon.

Testing Storage

Expected Outcome: Pet Tracker will successfully load both data files and restore the state of the application as if it was never closed.

Expected Outcome: Pet Tracker runs with an empty data file.

Expected Outcome: Pet Tracker may start with a partially loaded state.


  1. Users should not try to corrupt the data output file by changing the data directly.